Ray Blanchard

We praise the big milestones our gardens go through, and the individuals who helps make them happen! This series of posts is to give shout outs to the unsung heroes that make those milestones happen. JFK said, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” And these people not...

David DuBois

We praise the big milestones our gardens go through, and the individuals who helps make them happen! This series of posts is to give shout outs to the unsung heroes that make those milestones happen. JFK said, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” And these people not...

Meet the Block Capta...

Our project is a community-based volunteer effort and to make it work on a large scale, many teams of people lend their talents and passions to various projects throughout the year. Each garden has a team of three to five block captains that help each other manage their garden with the...

About Green Beans

This week’s lesson: Green Beans! Also called snap beans or string beans, they refer to any immature bean with pods that taste good when “snapped” into pieces. Green beans can be eaten whole, with the pod in tact, unlike shelling beans which are dried, removed from their pods, and must...

Liz Olney

We praise the big milestones our gardens go through, and the individuals who helps make them happen! This series of posts is to give shout outs to the unsung heroes that make those milestones happen. JFK said, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” And these people not...